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Student Hub

Online Class
Notebooks and Pencils

Welcome to the Eton Academy's Student Hub, your ultimate destination for educational support, information and inspiration.


This hub is still new and will be updated with more content soon!

Attention students! Please read the following guidelines and make sure you understand them.

  1. At the start of the school day, you must sign into Classe365, locate the subject which is scheduled on your timetable and click the zoom link to start the lesson.

  2. You must ensure your camera and microphone are working and keep them switched on throughout the lesson.

  3. If you are going to be late please ask your parent/guardian to notify student services as soon as possible.

  4. Any absences from school must be requested in advance by a parent or guardian.

  5. You must attend lessons on time and with all the necessary equipment (such as a notepad and pen).

  6. Mobile phones must be turned off during lessons.

  7. You must complete all homework and submit it to your tutors through Classe365.

  8. You must sit upright, preferable at a table or desk during lessons, this will help engage your mind and help you to focus!

  9. You must not eat during the lesson, there is a scheduled lunch break for you.

  10. Although there is no school uniform, you must be appropriately dressed (Pyjamas are not acceptable!).

  11. Finally, treat your fellow students and teachers with respect and courtesy.

playing games

Code of Conduct

Tips and Help

Check out our blogs made specifically for you!

Get back into the swing of things and making the most of your online education.

Explore our informative videos.
How to navigate our Learning Management System
Look through our range of helpful posters.
Dive into the world of interactive learning with our quizzes! Stay tuned for more engaging and educational quizzes coming your way soon.


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